19 Apr 2016

Diamond Evaluation

Ever wonder how diamonds get evaluated for color?

Learn about one of the 4Cs of Diamond Quality, Color Grading, created by GIA a universal standard measure for assessing diamond value.


GIA’s diamond D-to-Z color-grading system assesses the degree of colorlessness by comparing a stone under controlled lighting and precise viewing conditions against master stones of established color value. 
The scale begins with the letter D, representing colorless, and continues, with increasing presence of color, to the letter Z. 


Let GIA help guide you through the D-to-Z diamond color-grading scale with this one-minute video, which features tools like a diamond color chart and more.
Wacht the video here

On almost all modern birthstone lists, diamond is recognized today as the birthstone for April. Diamond is also the gem that marks the 60th and 75th wedding anniversaries.